


New features are added on WhatsApp constantly to maintain its status as the world leading chatting platform. Few Weeks ago, features like
document sharing, italics, bold and strike through of text were added. This time around, it is the very useful message quote in private or group chats that has been added. which  simply means you can now quote someone in WhatsApp. If you are familiar with some forums online like most especially Nairaland forum,you will understand the importance of quoting.



Firstly, download the latest WhatsApp version from Google playstore or just update yours.
Then when you highlight or select any message in WhatsApp conversation, whether a text or media message in a private or group chat, you will notice a Reply button at the top of the screen among the different options to delete and star and forward. Just tap on it and the "quoted message" will show up as a preview on top of the text entry box where you can add your reply.

Immediately the reply has been sent, it will appear inside the conversation with the original quoted message attached on top of it, along with the sender's color-coded name.
Quoting will be absolutely a welcomed development especially in group chats when members make reference of previous messages from another member...expecting more from them soon..
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